DX, Seal pit and fissure sealant is a light-curing resin-based self-adhesive andused after acid etching.
lt can release fluoride ion to prevent enamel fromcaries.
1.Clean the tooth surfaceand fissureetch for 30 seconds byphosphoric acid, then rinSe
2.Apply DX, Seal to fit and fissure
3.Light cure for 20 seconds
* Seal the pits and fissures on the tooth surface to prevent dental caries
Fluioride release, oral pathogenic bacteria inhibition, and anti-caries
Inorganic filler content with higher abrasion resistance and lower shrink in
comparison with competitors' product
Excellent edge sealing, reducing microleakage
Pit & Fissure SealantDX.Seal Pit & Fissure Sealant Kit
Packaging Specifications:
DX.Seal 3x2.5g(White, blue and pink)
DX. Etch 37(Special for pit and fissure sealing): 10ml
Tip: 14 pCS
Using DX. Etch 37(Special for sealing of pits&fissures )is moreefficient for pit and fissures
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